️Episode 013 – 6 Time-Saving Tools for the Independent Consultant

Many tasks need to be accomplished every day for a business to function. And for a business to thrive, those tasks need to be completed as quickly and efficiently as possible. One of the best ways to maximize efficiency within your IC business is by utilizing productivity tools to assist with streamlining the systems and processes that keep it running. Productivity tools can create efficiencies in a number of areas …

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Episode 005 – The 9 Ingredients to Scale Your IC Business

Deciding to grow your business is a natural next step, and isn’t limited to hiring staff, multiplying the number of clients you have, and taking on more complexity. Instead, you can increase your revenue, profits, and amount of free time without shifting your business model. In this episode, I’ll share with you the 9 ingredients that you need to accomplish time flexibility, money, and the impact that you want to …

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️Episode 004 – Return to Corporate?

We’ve all been there where, after starting something new, we question if we made the right choice or not. This is also true for independent consultants who have left their corporate careers to build a business of their own.  Along the journey as challenges come your way such as your pipeline drying up and being in between projects, you will have thoughts about going back to corporate. But how do you …

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