️Episode 096 – Create a Follow-Through System To Make Achieving Your Goals Inevitable (Part 5 of Planning for Independent Business Success series)

This week, we’re wrapping up with the 5th and final step of the 5-step process to plan for independent business success in the next 12 months. 

In this series, I’ve walked you through an effective process to create the best year you’ve ever had in your independent consulting business. 

  • Part 1 (episode 092), we focused on assessments. I shared a formula to assess the past 12 months of your consulting business so that you would have a clear and accurate baseline from which to set goals for the next 12 months. 
  • Part 2 (episode 093) was all about goal setting. I shared a unique approach you can take to set intentional goals, specifically for your independent consulting business, for you as an owner and five things you want to avoid during this process.
  • Part 3 (episode 094) I walked you through creating your 12-month action plan by breaking down your goals into yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily tasks.  
  • Part 4 (episode 095)  I share why hitting obstacles in your business is healthy for growth in your business and as a CEO and  walked you through a process to anticipate and plan for all the potential obstacles you’ll face, so the obstacles are built into your annual and quarterly business success plans and don’t take you by surprise or off course.

Now let’s dive into part 5 —Create a Follow-Through System To Make Achieving Your Goals Inevitable.  

So often you create phenomenal plans for your business, and then they just gather dust. I want to make sure that this year you’re able to keep up with the plan you’ve laid out and ensure that it is part of the operating system of your consulting business. 

Listen in as I share what I’m calling the magic formula to follow through with the actions required to reach your goals.

This magic formula is the playbook that you can leverage at any time to guide you to have that level of success that you’ve been wanting to achieve.

Key points in this episode:

  • Photos of my updated office



  1. Discuss working with me as your coach – Click here to schedule your consultation
  2. Watch my YouTube Podcast Channel 
  3. LinkedIn 
  4. Website 


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