️Episode 034 – Strategies from an Expert in the Corporate Consulting Buyer (An Interview with Brian Hoffmeyer)

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for consultants is expected to increase by 14% through 2028, proving there is plenty of opportunity in this growing field. While there are increasing opportunities for consultants overall, you’ll need to know how to monetize the opportunities for your independent consulting business. Our guest today is Brian Hoffmeyer, SVP Market Strategies at Beeline. Brian shares with us that right …

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Episode 030 – Escape the Staff Augmentation Abyss

Staff augmentation is the use of outside personnel temporarily to augment the capacity of your organization. While this is a powerful tool for many organizations to have in their arsenal, it’s not beneficial for you as an independent consultant to build your business from staff augmentation roles. The reason is those staff augmentation roles are almost always paid based on the amount of time worked, and these roles typically lead …

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Episode 029 – The Simple Tool To Create Consistent Revenue In Your Consulting Business

Are you ready to finish the year strong in your consulting business?  In this episode, I share with you a tool that you can use to create consistent revenue in your consulting business. This tool can be used at any point in the year, but especially in Q4, so that you finish the year strong and build momentum as you move into next year. More specifically, this simple tool will …

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Episode 028 – 5 Key Differences Between A Job Search and Selling Consulting (Part 2)

There are several critical differences between searching for a job and selling consulting services.  If you approach selling consulting in the same way you approach a job search, you’ll end up under-earning and under-utilized. In this episode, I share 2 differences between a job search and selling consulting services, so you can avoid these costly mistakes. In this episode, I walk you through two additional differences between a job search and …

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Episode 027 – 5 Key Differences Between A Job Search and Selling Consulting (Part 1)

Independent consultants who treat their business development process like a job search create a feast or famine situation in their consulting business. There are several critical differences between searching for a job and selling consulting services that I’ll dive into on this episode, so you can increase the income and impact you’re making in your independent consulting business. In this episode, I walk you through the differences between job search …

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️Episode 003 – Client Dependency

If you have been avoiding business development activities because you currently have a client, or a strong prospect for one, then today’s topic on client dependency is for you.  Client dependency occurs when you “place all your eggs in one basket”, or in other words you limit your business growth by focusing on one client and stop seeking opportunities to grow your business.  In this episode, I’ll share with you …

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️Episode 002 – Making Time for Business Development as an Independent Consultant

Business development is a critical component to the growth and survival of your Independent Consulting company. Business development includes executing activities that create a pipeline of opportunities and a process to pitch, sell and close the work.  Finding time for new business development can be difficult for many Independent Consultants. There always seems to be another priority or a pressing client deliverable.  If you’re not making time to renew your …

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Let's see where your opportunities to make more money are hiding...