️Episode 140 – Managing a Dip In Your Self-Confidence as an Independent Consultant

Confidence is a crucial asset for any independent consultant, but it’s not always a constant.  As an independent consulting business owner, you’ve chosen a path that continually tests your confidence. It’s essential to acknowledge that dips in confidence are a normal experience and that they’re not a sign of failure; they’re a sign of growth and pushing beyond your comfort zone. In today’s episode, Melisa presents three practical and relatable …

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️Episode 138 – What Are You Willing To Do To Have A Successful Consulting Business

In today’s episode, Melisa addresses a critical question: What are you willing to do to be successful in your consulting business? Working as an independent consultant has so much upside.. But it also comes with a unique set of challenges, most of which factor around having effective strategies, unwavering confidence, and a productive, business owner mindset in place A successful business comes from implementing and integrating three types of willingness …

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️Episode 137 – You Are Not Your Consulting Business

As an independent consultant, it’s easy to blur the lines between your identity and your business. But here’s the truth: you are not your business, and your business is not you.  Join Melisa in today’s episode as she delves into the critical distinction between the two and why it’s crucial for your professional success and well-being. 1. Understanding the Crucial Distinction:     – Delve into the mindset shift required to disentangle …

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️Episode 135 – Consultant Pricing Upper Limits

In today’s episode, Melisa describes the concept of pricing upper limits for independent consultants. Your pricing upper limit is foundational of your approach to pricing in your business.  Too often, independent consultants generate prices based on a perceived notion about a client’s willingness or ability to pay. However, this approach creates a ceiling for your business and does not align your consulting fees with the value you deliver as a …

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Episode 131 – Managing Imposter Syndrome In Your Consulting Business

In today’s episode, I share an in-depth review of imposter syndrome. In many ways, imposter syndrome is an elegant way to avoid fear. It is a way for independent consultants to avoid rejection. However, self-doubt and feelings of insecurity are normal. All consultants experience imposter syndrome while developing, growing, and scaling a successful business. First, surprisingly, imposter syndrome can be a good thing. It means you are stepping out of …

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️Episode 114 -The Million Dollar Consulting Question

I am excited to share this powerful problem-solving tool with you so you can apply it to your consulting business.  For most consultants, it’s easy to feel we’re out of control in our businesses. We feel at the mercy of clients to decide if they want to work with us or not and their internal approval processes. The tool I share on this episode is a simple, yet powerful tool …

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️Episode 110 – What To Do When It Feels Hard to Be an Independent Consultant

It’s common for independent consultants to experience points in time where their business feels heavy, unsustainable, or dull.  This is a normal part of doing business, and it doesn’t have to be a problem. It’s possible to quickly pull yourself out of a phase where business feels hard, heavy, or unsustainable. In this episode, I share a process you can use to get out of the rut where it feels …

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Episode 103 – Overcoming Consulting Proposal Procrastination

Most consultants dread writing consulting proposals.  And, as a result, consultants procrastinate, delay, defer, and avoid writing their consulting proposals. When you avoid writing your consulting proposal, it comes down to two things. These two things are the root causes of your procrastination. Today, I walk you through a process to identify the root cause of why you are procrastinating, and then I’ll give you the formula to overcome that …

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️Episode 088 – The Burnout Formula for Independent Consultants

Does this sound familiar?  Your professional and personal life are beginning to blur. You’ve hit a wall. Your passion is beginning to falter. You’re feeling fatigued. These are all common symptoms of entrepreneurial burnout.  It’s so common for independent consultants to experience burnout, either situational burnout or overall burnout.  But you’re independent for a reason. You’re out on your own.You get to set your own schedule.You get to make up your own rules.You get to …

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️Episode 086 – Overcoming Consultant’s Value Based Pricing Fear

Value-based pricing is such a hot topic right now. You probably either have it in place, been thinking about putting it in place or you might be curious about value-based pricing and its benefits.  This is a term that is very widely used in our industry and one of the things I see so often is that there is an underlying fear of value based pricing. And so I want to break …

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